Spring Lawn Gardening - Tip#1

Well, happily, it's that time again...time for fresh blooms, pretty lawns and beautiful weather in Atlanta. Enjoy lawn tip 1:
  • Preparing soil
    Once your soil has had a chance to thaw and lose some of its winter moisture, you'll want to prep it for planting.
    **Remove mulch over the course of several days, exposing the soil gradually.
    **Till or spade soil six to 12 inches deep.
    **Mix in compost, peat moss and fertilizer for plants or vegetables. For vegetable gardens, include processed or well-rotted manure in the mix (using fresh manure in the spring may burn or damage your plants).
    **Rake the soil level to smooth out low spots; pockets of water can make the soil cool, which slows plant growth.

If, like me, you don't have the time to beautify your own yard, let me know. I know some great landscapers that would be happy to assist you.

Happy Sunny Sunday! Have a great day!

Kim, your real estate agent for life

By the way, as the weather warms, it is generally the season of homebuying, so if you or anyone you know is in the market for a new home, feel free to give me a call..404.437.9882. I'd love to help!


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